Dick's Blog
Halleluiah. After 13 weeks, I have been liberated from my back brace. The fusion of two vertebrae is complete. Now comes the task of getting my core strength and muscle tone back after so much inactivity. I feel liberated. Finally, it’s time to burn my B-R-A-c-e. Next comes replacing my right knee joint. What we do to keep hiking, which I intend to do this weekend.
Just Thinking
Just thinking of how one’s worldview changes with maturity and age.
It has been proposed that an effective border wall should have sharp flesh tearing spikes on top. In 1943, I remember thinking that the perfect weapon to end the Second World War would be a bomb with sharp spikes sticking out of it, the worldview of a five-year old.
“Lammie” and “Tiger” Will Have to Make Peace Again
For 5 years, “Lammie” and “Tiger” have been peacefully lying together atop my Bose Radio. My wife gave me “Lammie” for a laminectomy 7 years ago. “Lammie” is slang for this surgical procedure to alleviate spinal stenosis and sciatic leg pain, a real “tiger”. My second laminectomy was 5 years ago. Unfortunately, “Tiger” has re-awoken. Soon, “Lammie” will be coming to my rescue, also a fusion of two lumbar vertebrae. Hopefully, “Lammie” and “Tiger” will again be peacefully lying together atop my Bose Radio.
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